Top Officials Need to Determine Why Classified Information is Disclosed to the Media
There are times when classified information is leaked by people working in the National Defense Department. This can be a huge deal if such information ends up in the wrong hands. In one case, the United States Military Papers were found to have been leaked. This was a breach on the classified information of the United States Military. The National Security Agency was involved in the leak. There was a state department employee that found some state department documents in a filing cabinet and took them home. She mistakenly thought they were work files. She took them home and forgot about them for six months. When she discovered the mistake, she reported it to her superior and the doj. She faces punishment for leaking state department documents. Leaks of classified information happen more often at the national level. For example, top secret U.S. documents were recently released by three former government employees. They had top secret information on the Bush administration's plan to...